Happiness: It’s Not Pie

When something good happens to a friend, are you the kind of person who says, “Ugh, i hate you!” or do you genuinely respond with, “Wow, that’s fantastic!”? Happiness is not like pie; when someone else gets more, it doesn’t mean less for you. I am more of a believer in the “rising tides lift all boats” theory. When one person is happy, their joy exponentially raises the level of happiness in the world at large.

Comparison is the thief of joy. If you are comparing yourself to others, it’s easy to feel like your life is not measuring up. Remember, everyone has their own journey. Someone else may be in a time of success and growth while you are in a time of rest and preparation. Mindset is an important part of happiness. Do you view yourself as unlucky, cursed, or destined to be unhappy? Or do you see yourself as fortunate, blessed, and inherently joyful? How you expect your life to go has a real impact on what happens next.

See others’ happiness as an opportunity to learn and be inspired. Instead of thinking, “I wish I had that instead of you,” shift to, “I’m so glad you have that; I would like to have that too!” Spend time with people who have a positive and supportive attitude toward others. This can reinforce your own capacity to delight in others’ good fortune. Practice speaking positively about others and uplifting them with your words.


Take Care of Yo Sh*t!


Managing Your Moods